House of the Villa Rivaldi

During the excavations for the creation of the Via dei Fori Imperiali a large and extravagant private residence was brought to light in the garden of the Villa Rivaldi. It was constructed in the mid-first century AD and restored between the mid-second and mid-third centuries AD.
Most of the sculptural decoration comes from this phase. The whole gallery of portraits of emperors, empresses and illustrious personages, and splendid Roman copies and reworkings of Greek originals bears witness to the prestige of the owner of the house.

Sala Macchine - Domus di Villa Rivaldi
Testa di Apollo 'Tipo Kassel'
From a bronze original (460-455 BC) attribuited to Phiedias
Statua di Antinoo
Hadrianic period
Statua di Icaro
From a Vth century BC original
Ritratto femminile
Late IInd – first half of the IIIrd century AD