From electricity to Roman art

Theme tours
Centrale Montemartini: the first electricity generating plant in Rome. The story of the Centrale powerplant and the Machine grandeur - June 24 at 11:30 am;
Visiting the Cetrale Montemartini is like... walking in ancient Rome. The new display of the ancient sculptures of the Capitol Hill - July 8 at 11:30 am;
The Temple of Apollo Sosiano - History of the myth of Apollo and the Muses. Theatre in Ancient Rome - July 22 at 11:30 am;
The Temple of Light - The Gods of Olympus and the Machine Room - August 29 at 11:30 am;
History of the Roman portrait through the works displayed at the Centrale Montemartini. From private funeral cult to the portrait as a tool for imperial propaganda - September 16 at 11:30 am;
Fantasticarte ... at the Centrale Montemartini. Artists inspired by myths (workshop hosted in the Machine Room) - September 29 at 11:30 am;
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